I had a theme day on omegle.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: How is babby formed?
Stranger: lol
You: How girl get pregnant?
You: =S
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: How is babby formed?
Stranger: hi where are you from ?
You: How girl get pregnant?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: suck my cock
You: How is babby formed?
Stranger: even though it doesnt exist
Stranger: baby is formed by you SHUTTING THE EFFF Up
Stranger: yehhhh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: How is babby formed?
Stranger: Uhm.
Stranger: They
Stranger: Live in a can
You: But... How girl get pregnant?
Stranger: They eat the can
You: Would'nt taht hurt?
Stranger: No
You: What kind of can is it?
Stranger: A tin one
Stranger: Duh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: How is babby formed?
Stranger: How is babby formed?
You: How girl get pregnant?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: How is babby formed?
Stranger: Oooh.
Stranger: I know this one.
You: Well? How is babby formed?
You: How girl get pregnant?
Stranger: Ask the person who's so fat that when she stands on weighing scale I see my telephone number.
You: Your mom?
Stranger: Noice.
Stranger: Set myself right up- for that. xD
Your conversational partner has disconnected.