Original Post
Time to say goodbye

My Toaster just died, and I have to go to his funeral for 2 weeks in turkey.

No seriously, even a Nobuddie needs his breaks. I maybe will be one one or two times,but one hour net costs 5 bucks, so I dont think so. Jtank, lead the clan wisely, and dont make shit. For the rest of you, I will miss you (lulz but seriously) and I wish you some fine days.

I hope I see the forum in good and fresh shape when I come back.

I may get on tomorrow, but you never know. So thats why I posted already.

Bye guys.

See ya and have fun in Turkey.

<3 :* oOo O_O :U ;L
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Holy crap when I saw this I thought nobud is leaving Addicted like playaj did in nano

Phew what a releif

Cya nobud <3
Have fun
Originally Posted by micho View Post
Holy crap when I saw this I thought nobud is leaving Addicted

not-informed nub

I wasn't even stressed cuz I knew well what will you write about in this thread etc. etc.

Also yeah, internet in turkey fucking expensive, as my friend reported.

Good luck on travel, get there and come back safely etc. Have fun.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos