Secret Santa 2024
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Lua Movie Scripts (Mac)
I'm having no success getting the lua movie script to work on my mac. I have toribash version 2.8 (registered) and OSX 10.4. The movie doesn't seem to freeze and then save. I checked out this thread for the fix for just that problem but the download to fix it is in .exe files, which don't work on mac.

So, my questions are,
1. How can I fix this to make the lua script work?
2. If there's no way to fix it, is there an alternate way to convert my replays into .mpeg files?

I really hope I can convert my replays to mpegs, because then I can easily edit them in iMovie and make a kickass toribash montage
Awesome! Thanks.

Now just one more question...once I've created a movie (and I assume it worked, because the "screenshot" folder filled up as the one helper thread said it would) where do I find the movie? On a mac, there is no "directory" or "start" menu to look in for the mpeg file.
Last edited by gioff; Oct 22, 2007 at 07:35 AM.
Ok, here's how to do it:

On OSX you need to execute ffmpeg manually:

Enter the Toribash directory using the Terminal
(For example: cd /Applications/Toribash/ ) , and type:
(assuming 123 is the prefixed name of the screenshots)

ffmpeg -i screenshots/123_screenshot_%04d.ppm -sameq -t svcd -aspect 4:3 123_movie.mpeg
Ok...I probably should have made sure it worked before I assumed the problem was solved =P

Thanks again for the help, but it's not working. First I'm confused about what you mean about the "terminal" I'm supposed to enter the Toribash directory through. far as I know on macs, there is no directory for applications. There's only the folder to open on the desktop/applications folder and then the finder window that opens up into the toribash application folder.

Third, how do I get text commands like that to work? Where do I put them in?

I may be misunderstanding your advice, and I'm hoping you can clear it up for me. Thanks again for your patience.
a directory is sorta like a folder, i think. Also, terminal is found in Applications/Utilities. Then....well...follow the instructions Stilf gave....
Last edited by Gamling; Oct 22, 2007 at 10:44 PM.
If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving isn’t for you. --- Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. --- Some people are like slinkys... They aren't good for anything, but they're still fun to watch fall down the stairs --- Bomb Squad: If you see us running, try to keep up
I don't have the patience to answer this one. Try asking Zaarock, he is officially the forum's coolest apple-er.
<3 MBK :D
Ok wait, I found terminal now, I didn't realize it was an application (and yes it is in the utilities folder). Awesome, now I am in the toribash directory.

Ok, so the last step I may have just left out one word/command. I typed in "ffmpeg -i screenshots/123_screenshot_%04d.ppm -sameq -t svcd -aspect 4:3 123_movie.mpeg" exactly as you said, only with "123" replaced witht the correct screenshot numbers. The terminal is telling me that the "ffmpeg: command could not be found."

Almost there...