Original Post
I fail at activating items
Activated by clicking 'activate' (I'm smart)
Tried to /dl
Still no see them shits

What sort of items are they, and how long have you waited? It sometimes takes up to 15 minutes for an item to appear ingame. Try playing a few multiplayer games, that sometimes works.
Quit, probably.
They are in your activated inventory, and I can see them.

Are you sure you typed exactly "/dl unjoymyslf"

Try restarting Toribash..

Are you sure you're even logged in?
Hmm, can you see items on other people? In public rooms, and if you try downloading me for example.

If you can't see others either, something's preventing you from downloading anything, which is where I'll have no idea what to do.. Maybe try disabling your firewall.
So that didn't work.
Yeah, I can see items on other people.
I asked in a game and no one sees mine, apart from the head texture which I've had for a while.