Swine flu is nothing to be scared about unless you dont wash your hands properly. Use soap and hot water for at least 15-20 seconds and you should be okay. Just remember to wash them frequently. Btw, did they get the vaccine for it yet? What are they doing!?!
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Originally Posted by WolverineWepX View Post
Swine flu is nothing to be scared about unless you dont wash your hands properly. Use soap and hot water for at least 15-20 seconds and you should be okay. Just remember to wash them frequently. Btw, did they get the vaccine for it yet? What are they doing!?!

That's right. If people sneeze and cough on you, you won't get sick because you washed your hands! There's no need for vaccines too because your soap will do the job.

On a serious note, blah. In Portugal there are some "infected", but it's nothing too serious.
Originally Posted by Drakhir View Post
That's right. If people sneeze and cough on you, you won't get sick because you washed your hands! There's no need for vaccines too because your soap will do the job.

On a serious note, blah. In Portugal there are some "infected", but it's nothing too serious.

NO NO NO! If people sneeze on you and you get the spit in you, or inhale the sneeze or cough, you still get sick! ARE YOU RETARDED?!? All you have to do is bassicaly keep your personal hygene up and carry around some Purell. Just make sure to keep yourself clean!
Last edited by WolverineWepX; Aug 19, 2009 at 10:27 PM.
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My opinion:

Regular flus have been infecting and even killing more people than swine flu will ever kill/infect.

"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by GenkiSudo View Post
My opinion:

Regular flus have been infecting and even killing more people than swine flu will ever kill/infect.

-annoying picture-

As previously stated... this virus has not killed as many as the regular flu because of media hype.

Ergo people get freaked out if they have flu like symptoms- go to the doctor- get tamiflu- get better faster/decrease mortality (that's death rate, right?).

It actually is kind of a threat because.. well it's not flu season and its already very contagious, imagine what it will be when people are inside almost 24/7 because it's freezing out.

Just my bit of knowledge.