Original Post
[DSC] Inferno

Clan Story

Each flame has a unique purpose, some flames make heat, create light or simply just to entertain. Unfortunately that is not what we use the purpose of flames for, we simply use the flames for the distinct purpose to destroy and create havoc among those who appose our furry. We are the most powerful flame of all, or flames together make up what we like to call Inferno.

Clan Rules
Respect Other members of the clan
Don't flame anyone who has done nothing wrong
Follow the rules of the clan leader and Co-leaders
Be kind to Other clans
Stay loyal to the clan
And have fun

Clan Tag
I don't believe in ranks since we should be treated like equals

Clan Aim List
Make it to become Official.
Be a peaceful clan with friendly people
Destroy anyone who doesn't like who we are and what we're about
And to play for fun

Feel free to make donation's since every clan has to start somewhere

Clan Members
Shipudden-Co leader

What Belt are you:
Past clans if any:
Why do you want to join:
What could you do to help us out:
Do you make and sorts of art:
Anything else you would like to tell us:

Last edited by Radtaco; Oct 8, 2009 at 12:44 PM.
Radtaco Was here
Looks pretty good. You might want to get a better banner though.

Good luck all in all.
º7th Dan Black Beltº
ºJoin my fan club!º
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