Sorry, but It looked to me like you slowed your momentum mid opener.
Here is my idea of continuing the momentum of the opener. Hope you like it.

Btw, why is this a Revolution of an opener. Perhaps you mean the Evolution of the opener?
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IceShadow Tame Edit.rpl (118.4 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by IceShadow; Sep 4, 2009 at 12:29 AM.

Originally Posted by Kickass with added Tamer0
Edit: ok i really liked the second two,

i didnt like the first one much cuz it was reaaally stiff(6/10).
Fair enough,I'll be a bit relaxier next time, cool?
ballroom blitz i think was my favorite(8.5/10) Because upon further review of superfreak i noticed the punch wasnt very strong at all. just nicely placed. but still a nice manipulation.
I usually aim for nicely placed over power, maybe because I'm not as good with power but hey, practice makes perfect I suppose. Thanks for your opinion.

Also heres a sweet edit i did on ballroom blitz

Tamer0 edit:

Originally Posted by deady, again accompanied by Tamer0
Its cool seeing how many different things you can get from just one opener,
Exactly what I was aiming for, yay.
but the last was easily my favorite, though I would have liked a bigger boom hit.
If I remember correctly, my laptop battery was dying and I kinda rushed the end and never went back to edit it to see if I could do better. Ooooooops. Glad you liked it though, might edit it later, come down with the flu just now. inb4 swine

Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
Sorry, but It looked to me like you slowed your momentum mid opener.
I'm weird like that. :)
Here is my idea of continuing the momentum of the opener. Hope you like it.
An evolution in my revolution? Nice, yet another way to get at Uke. Thanks, I might do some editing on that of my own later.
Btw, why is this a Revolution of an opener. Perhaps you mean the Evolution of the opener?
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
I have got better, right?

And a big thank you to everyone else who commented.