Edit: WipEout HD and WipEout Fury have such awesome soundtracks, I love them! Heh I've now got the dynamic bkground on my ps3 too, It's about time they brought 3d backgrounds into it.
Last edited by KungFuJC; Sep 12, 2009 at 09:41 PM.
i listen to anything.
I like to hear to Crazy Town, Daft Punk, Mad Caddies, NOFX, System of a Down.
I play the basson, the clarinet and cimbals or cymbals (idk how to spell it =P)
i.... i..... i like all styles of music rock, hip hop, mbp (or bpm) 'brazilians pupular music'
and i like that one called ''infinity, guru josh'' or the sounds of sky (i'm kidding about this)