Original Post
What do you hate?
I'm trying to get this clan more active. So what do you hate? This can be irl or in internetz.

I hate:

- When I don't have anything to do
- Math (If I don't get good notes, I'll be dead)
- When peoples ignore me
- Wake up so early
- Noobs begging
- Stay in house the whole day
- When my internet is so slow
- When my dad doesn't pay the internet
More coming soon.
When I run out of cola
When I can't take the car out for a spin
When my skateboards break in half
When I see a emo earphone texture request
When i sell my textures for under 100k a set
The market.
Same as ezeth, I hate all the shitty Emo ear phone head textures.

I hate math. my teacher is harsh.
I hate homework.
I hate when people bump 2 year old threads except in wibbles.
I hate when my brother.
I hate swimming (since I cant swim D
I hate heights (Since I am afraid of heights D
- Insects (fuck I so much hate them)
- Art and such subjects in school
- Beggars
- Stupid girls from my class
- Headphones on heads [tb]
- Nubz lucking all the time

Well if I took a while to count, I'd prolly get twice as much (or more xD)

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I hate when I'm promised that I'm going to do something with my friends and they end up canceling
I hate it when I'm sick
I hate school :C
I hate that my pc is being taken away ;-;
I hate real madrid FC :v
nah srsl I hate:
School, especially Polish (my teacher sux and I hate her)
Bad Games
When somebody is better than me D:
Wake up early
When parents wanna go outside with me :S
Long breaks in school - I go there only for the lessons, nothing more D:
Sleeping in the bus while I'm going to school :x
Get up early D:<
Lose 10 hours every day by school :O
Stupid childrens from my class who laugh of me, when I'm not saying anything funny (especially girls)
Stupid manuals to school - in every year they are the same things, nothing new :/

And a lot more things associated with school...
I hate:

-Being fucked up (After Sports or alcohol xD)
-Planning a great evening for all my friends and everybody cancels in the last moment

idk maybe more things but I'm a very happy and nice person... I have no hate in my heart (maybe just a little bit :P)
▼ [CW] ▼ [OoT] ▼ [OLDA] ▼ [some more stuff I can't remember... ♥ [Addicted]