Christmas Lottery
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PT colors
can someone make a list or something that i now what colors are these were just the pt logo is seeable

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Last edited by Chozo; Sep 27, 2009 at 08:46 PM.
Originally Posted by toribal View Post
can someone make a list or something that i now what colors are these were just the pt logo is seeable

I think he means the promo colour items.
They're not visible due to them not having a picture created yet. Instead it is replaced by the PT logo.

Why don't you simply go on the torishop in-game and view them?
Forum inactive
Super Moderators
Market Squad
Promo Team
Clan Admins

Is that what you're looking for?

EDIT: Oh, I see. Look up the different colours in the News Section. There are pictures in each Promo-Pack that show their colours. Otherwise you could simply do what Loshi said.
Last edited by CMon; Sep 27, 2009 at 06:19 PM.
Old Gold
Demolition, Juryo, Knox, Mysterio, Superfly, Warrior
Alpha Imperial, Raider, Kevlar, Olive

I think that's it...

If you want an "easier" (read: easier when you have done all the settings) access to see the colors, you could use the in game feature ToriShop...
But now that it's not working properly...
Just extract 'em all to the custom folder in your Toribash 3.8 folder.
When you've done that, type...
/lp 0 [color]t
You type the name of the color and add t to the end.
So, if you want to see the color Demolition, you should type...
/lp 0 demolitiont
If there's a space in the color name, like Alpha Imperial, you just add the names together, like...
/lp 0 alphaimperialt
Also, if you want to make Uke look like the color of your choice, then just type
/lp 1 [color]t
instead of
/lp 0 [color]t