I really liked the first one. Awesome roll-over kick to DM the arm...is there a name for that kick in Kung Fu? Pretty cool you did a lot of it limp too, it made it look more fluid and Kung Fu-like.
Didn't like the second one as much, I didn't see a lot of Kung Fu, just a generic front kick and then a lot (a LOT) of dead time.
Really, really good job with the first though. Was this made with a mod? The gravity seems a little higher than normal. I personally prefer that; I use capoeria and sambo a lot. Definitely look forward to seeing more from you, I love seeing realistic-type. replays.
Its all just the default mod, although I did change the distance to 150.
the second one was just the kung fu basic kick and a decap and then I ended it, I didn't expect anyone to watch all of it.
EDIT: so whats the differance between default and sambo?
the first was the kick but I extend my knee earlier so I push uke so I can do the roll.
I don't know what the kick is called.
I guess it just looked like more gravity because you had Tori limp the whole time. All sambo does is increase the effect gravity has on you. I think it might add strength to the characters (maybe just upper body) to compensate, but that just ends up making it around the same thing. Capoeira does sorta the opposite-increased grav, but much increased strength that you'll notice a lot in the legs.
I actually didn't watch all of the second one, I stopped around 1500. The kick you did in the first looks a little bit like a butterfly kick...and sorta not, lol. Maybe a horizontal jump spinning axe kick, haha.
I really liked the first one. Awesome roll-over kick to DM the arm
Your doin great, but try not moving uke.