[Shop]Wildslash,Magix & Sabath Flame Palace
Hello Toribashians, as you may know, or not, me (Wildslash) Magix and Sabath have just oppened a Flame Shop.
This shop consists on totaly free-custom designs as well as fixed priced-design flames. If you with to ask for a sprecific flame desing fill the form:
Colour (toribash colour pallete):
Style (rain, wing, etc):
Efects (explostions, orbit, etc):
If you have a similar pic of the flame you may post it but
as an example, fill the form and give description
Well, there is aslo people who don`t know exactly what kind of flame they want, or style to use, so I prepared some examples. (more examples will be added soon)
Examples of pre-made flames by Wildslash (colours are of course variable):
(colour is random here)
(More to come).
Also we do Custom desings, but please a good flame descritpion, if you wish to add pics like eg, is ok, but dont say: "make somhing like this", or "i want somthing like that", try give an elavorated description of that flame.
There is special price for:
Unibash: Little cheaper
Latin: At forge price
P-Type: At forge price
People in my fan club: Ant forge price (joke)
More shiz to come...
Last edited by Wildslash; Oct 7, 2009 at 03:52 PM.