Originally Posted by hydrotoxin View Post
One must keep in mind that early peoples were scavengers and hunters, and did not have time to formulate religions because they were too busy trying to survive. Early evidence suggests that these early people killed each other for dominance of the group- obviously goes against what you're saying about "killing your own" laws. However, with the rise of agrarianism and early river valley civilizations during the Neolithic era, people began to settle down in early cities and villages semi-permanently, thus creating religion, and as an extension of religion, a moral code, although obviously the intention was to try and get indigenous peoples to STOP killing each other. You must remember that early kings were warrior-folk, not scholars, until this period. To change that, the intellectuals of that era couldn't have just said "Oh, ok guys, this is wrong, lets stop and think". So they invented deities to control the people of these early cities (evidence strongly suggests that priests were nearly equal in power to kings), and from these deities comes modern religion. I should have elaborated in the first place.

Then it would be better if you said that morality was given more credibility by religion. Certainly informal moral codes were around long before they were written down, it just makes sense. It's also worth noting that presence of rigid moral structure doesn't mean certain people won't break it's rules. They will.
People have always destroyed each other over the tastiest piece of the pie, except their methods have changed over time. Nowadays they no longer use clubs and spears to eliminate their opponents - rather they use lawyers and courts to do that. The benefit of a good and strong moral structure is to keep overall mischief rates lower.

PS: do you think monkeys have morals? They express grief when one of their tribe members dies, and they take care of each other. Sometimes their biggest ones duel over dominance....reminds me of some other species.
I find people can learn a lot about themselves just by watching animals.
Last edited by Odlov; Oct 18, 2009 at 02:16 AM.