Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Archlurps View Post
For me there are two main points to consider here.

1. "Gambling is illogical. The odds are against you"

This argument is technically true, but in practice it can be moderately wise to gamble. As the person who used it here said, some people enjoy gambling, so if you can afford it, fire away. Secondly, with, say, lotteries (since this is on the topic of casinos, this may be ever so slightly off the point, but still it's gambling), what you pay for a chance to change your financial horizon for good has little to no effect on your finances if you do it wisely. It doesn't hurt having a lotto line or two going every week, it's a fraction of your salary. Then there's the fact that you can actually be good in "gambling". Even though (I take it) the term is defined as "guessing the outcome of something completely random", it's not that. In poker you can read other's tells, or just play your cards wisely and go for realistic hands if you know others will be reckless. You can count cards (inside your head) in blackjack. Likewise in derbies you can know things about the horses, although this is a bit more professionalized than your average Sunday better.

2. Casinos cheating.

A lot of you may have been screaming "lol, what an Exzibbyt, doesn't he know you can't count cards in blackjack, you get banned from the casino", or something of the sort, either inside your head like normal people, or in three-line posts like /b/tards who get seizures trying to read more than five lines of text at a time. Raging aside, this is the reason people think gambling is bad. This is the reason it actually is bad and destroys lives. Casinos do kick good players out. That's cheating. If someone can count cards in their head, let them, or change the game so that it's downright impossible, not only to the average mind, but logically too, so that the outcome of a draw really is random. And it doesn't end there. You don't have to "cheat" to be kicked out, you're not allowed to be too good. It's like banning a team from using a layer that's better than any of the opponents. Secondly, they lay out the establishment in a way to encourage people to spend more, which I guess should be considered just good planning. Still, (I don't know if it's a myth but it's what I hear,) pumping oxygen into the gambling area is a bit unfair. Why don't they just mandate a 3-per mil alcohol level in the blood then? Oxygen pumped in technically intoxicates the people too, in the sense that they make decisions differently from how they would in normal conditions

Have fun with the wall of text.

I laughed at the bolded bit. Not because it's wrong.
I think it's right.

If you go in and keep winning at one table, they won't like you very much.

The point is to try and win but if you win too much you're an outlaw.
Contradiction, go.
Originally Posted by Peter1212 View Post
I laughed at the bolded bit. Not because it's wrong.
I think it's right.

If you go in and keep winning at one table, they won't like you very much.

The point is to try and win but if you win too much you're an outlaw.
Contradiction, go.

Well they are trying to run a business. Even if it is unfair you can't blame them for trying to make a profit.
yungmoney has just robbed your bank account for 18 toricredits
Originally Posted by footside View Post
Well they are trying to run a business. Even if it is unfair you can't blame them for trying to make a profit.

but that's like keeping an "eat all you can" buffet, and not letting all the hungry students and fat people in because you know they'll eat more than they pay for.

...which they probably do in America already.

I mean sure, keep a business, but do it fairly.

Also, I forgot. I hear that even the good old lottery isn't as it used to be. Something about winnings being paid over the course of several years, even tens of years if I remember correctly, and in that way often keeping some of the money because the winner dies before receiving all of it, for hell's sake.
I refuse to grab.
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