Fargle: Loved the first two replays. Some really good skill in there. Your third one, Stalling, got me a little bit though. The attacks in there were pretty sweet but I didn't really like build up or the wind down afterwards. The (unintentional I presume) headbutt was quite out of place as well. I'm at about a 90% yes for you right now. Maybe if you could post another replay instead of Stalling? The other two were seriously nice though.

DarkDavid: All three of your replays were essentially the same style. Start a bit away from Uke, launch yourself at him then grabby frenzy. There were a few good hits in there but also quite a few grabby breaks as well. Maybe try experimenting with nograb in your replays. Put enough work in and you might just be up to the standard I expect in a month or two (or maybe even sooner if you work extra hard ;o ).

Nuramon: I'm a bit split over you. You've got some pretty sweet moves in your replays but I don't think you're getting the full potential out of them. Say for example in WOWBoominMyWay, where you grab uke's lower body minus a leg late in the replay, you might've been able to break both glutes or even get a boom somewhere with a bit of editing. So I'm not going to say yes because I feel there might be something not fully there yet but I'm not going to say no either. If another recruiter thinks you're good enough then fair enough. So far, it's a maybe from me.

Muffindo: These were quite well done. Flying around had some sweet dismemberments in it and a cool pose to top it off. I can haz split was probably your weakest of the three. It just looked a bit awkward to me and didn't really have the flow of your other replays. Your manipulation of Uke in the last replay was rather enjoyable. You did look a bit stiff as you flew towards Uke, as you said, but you ended it with a lovely punch. I liked the fact you annoteted your replays too. It shows you're serious enough about this and (hopefully) will be good at commenting on other people's replays in the replay thread and stuff. I'm about a 75% yes for you right now. Maybe try replacing I can haz split and possibly mess around with some of the others and you might get it up to 100.
Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
Fliying around :You'll notice that when breaking something I never touch the ground (uke does twice).

What's your hand doing on the ground when you're breaking Uke's abs on frame 257 then? :P

MurraY: A pretty decent variety of replays there. Spinboom was probably my favourite, having a good flow to it, even if you didn't go for a pose at the end (which would've ranked it higher in my book). Split&Skeet was alright, even though (unless I'm going blind) there wasn't actually a skeet in there. I liked the punch opener best here. CrazyGuy was the worst one for me. I can't say I'm really a fan of grab and rip frenzies and this replay was just that. Not much momentum or style I don't think. You've got some skills in replay making as evident by a few of your moves but you're not getting a yes from me just now, sorry.

Phew, that took long enough to do.
Originally Posted by Tamer0 View Post
What's your hand doing on the ground when you're breaking Uke's abs on frame 257 then? :P

Crap, didn't see that. I seewhy you didn't like my split, I'll replace it with another one tomorrow (probably a combo or a madman) but I don't really see how I could edit my other replays without "breaking" them completely. Anyway, thanks for the fast answer, that was really quick.