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Anyone selling full pure pack?
Well I was hoping that someone will be selling a pack on the market but the only one that I found is the 1 mil TC pure pack from vermine's shop >:/
So if any of you are selling a full pure pack then put how much you will sell it for (right now, the 27th of October,I don't really have TC so I can trade it for some good items...just have a look in my shop and see what you want)
Btw pure is quite cheap so don't make the price too expensive lol..Well thnx for reading..
Tint is sex.
Pure is only cheap for those of us that have the qi. For people just looking for a way to buy things they haven't achieved, it's expensive. While I don't think 1 million TC is a good price, you can expect it to still be expensive... and you're going to have to pay in TC if your really want it... people just aren't interested in a lot of extraneous items in return for a rare and valuable pack of good items.

That's my two pennies for you.
hmmmm..well when I get my flames sold I'll have about 280k so I'll buy 1 with TC...The maximum price would be about 200k...
Tint is sex.
yeah thats the right price but people just dont work it like that its because they are very rare so about 600k is right but anyways i wouldnt buy 1 for even 200k
600k isnt right maximum is about 200k TC 600k is way too much even though its a rare item...Probably the whole pure pack would cost about 25k even less with qi so non qi price shouldn't be too crazy..
Tint is sex.
As you said you found only ONE pure pack no QI,so its expansive
You have to be patient or to find anything else...