If any of you are interested, it's a pretty fun game (so far) and I recommend playing it, even just for the free weekend. If any of you do decide to play, search for 'Faltane' on there and send me a PM, we could Team up, should be fun. :P
This is pretty cool. I'll probably get hold of it tomorrow, even though i (or rather my brother) own a copy of the game. It looks pretty sweet, so ehh...
even with 40% off it's still pretty expensive. It's now 2 years old and Modern Warfare 2 is out next week. You get nukes for a 25 killstreak :O
Yeah I heard.
It's 50% the price of MW2 though. And for me, 50-60 bucks is too much on my budget. I'll probably get it around christmas though.
Heard about the nuke too. It will be interesting.
Hmmm, that game is starting too look appealing. I like explosions ^_^
You guys are making me jealous
My parents are so strict on FPS' and stuff that I'd never (until I become 18(not going to happen for another 3,5 years )) be able to buy such games (whilst they are very awesome :<)