Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by wiirus View Post
First of all, I'd like to request an alliance with the [Hunters] clan. We were allied with DIAF, so why not with the new DIAF?
You should know that we've organized much better and kicked all spammers in their butt.

And the second thing, there have been a war with DIAF, which got cancelled, maybe we can do better a second time?
A friendly clan war. For the lolz.

How would that be?

Sorry for invading,

that sounds like a very good idea my good friend it should be fun I accept the allience between us sounds cool man. So when and where?
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....
Originally Posted by iceman21 View Post
that sounds like a very good idea my good friend it should be fun I accept the allience between us sounds cool man. So when and where?

For the organisation, I opened a thread:

Invades are allowed there

You know, thelast warfailed because of the timezones, so I think we should split it.

I mean, first 2 people fight to 3 wins.
Then the next pair fights.

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