head type: Robot (Bee Boo Bop Beep Lol)
earphones?:I want my head a robot not a music lover

hat?: ...
headband?: No?
hair color: It doesn't have hair xD
eye color: Nactrally Robots eyes are Blue but go with red.
skin color: ...
extras: Make me say BEE BOO BOP BEEP


pose: Look in Avatar.
background color: Black.

text: Arial Black?
text color: Blue
extras: Make a shine from the top
Last edited by hanz0; Nov 16, 2009 at 02:21 PM.
hmmm....ok....but i have alot of shiz goin on...court avatars and heads are runnin alittle slow...
Originally Posted by tvman View Post
hmmm....ok....but i have alot of shiz goin on...court avatars and heads are runnin alittle slow...

Take your time.