Original Post
[BUY] Both legs and both arm orc trails.
I don't really know the price tag for all 4 of them, So just tell me what it is when you sell the Orc trails to me... Well, IF you do.

Anyway, This is the last thing I'm buying for today, So i'll stop making threads and cluttering up this forum even more than it is already =P

EDIT: I also buy Gladiator.
Last edited by MrTeapawt; Nov 16, 2009 at 01:48 AM.
Originally Posted by cameritec2 View Post
i have both gldiator hands

and both orc legs would you like to buy them?

Sure, Buddy. 200 TC?
Last edited by MrTeapawt; Nov 16, 2009 at 02:59 AM. Reason: Accidently said 2000 TC.