Original Post
[A] 7k QuickSilver flame

Selling this QuickSilver flame

In the lead-Hanz 40k

Flame: Quicksilver Rage Right Hand
Forged by FNugget on 2009-07-07 04:20:55 for the Right Hand

Ends after 42 hours of last bid
Last edited by fireless; Dec 4, 2009 at 01:36 PM.
Anime United
Its not the one thats equipped i assume... id like to see it ingame and i might buy it
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.

ill give u a right and left leg trail for the flame casue it goes with the set im gonna get all i have cause they wont sell for me =(
