Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Rikka's Robotic/Pseudoabstract Head Requests
Almost all of my heads tend to keep the style of the examples shown below. Fill out the form below.

Body Part: (Head, Right Leg, Set, Etc.)
Primary Color: (Void, Chronos, Acid, Etc.)
[OPTIONAL] Secondary Color: (Void, Chronos, Acid, Etc.)
Details: (Acid scales, six Vampire eyes.)
Price willing to pay: (2k, 4k)

Ranges from 500-4.5k on heads, sets can go from 40k-90k. This depends on quality and difficulty.

Examples - Not For Sale



Velvet and Quicksilver ~ Requested by DaPwnner

Last edited by Rikka_old; Nov 28, 2009 at 11:12 PM.
I would like to request a texture.
Colors:Vampire, and a little bit of Pure.
Details:I don't really know, i would like the head to be red and the eyes white.
Can i request a texture set? Your work is amazing.
Will pay 50k provided you can edit it to suit my likings.
Just make the head the same style as the head in your avatar, And the rest of the body to be Unique monsterish..
Colours would be Velvet Primary and Quicksilver secondary, feel free to toss in Grays and Blacks as well.

Woops posted in wrong account, Money and feedback will come from account named "Dapwnner"
Originally Posted by DtotheZ View Post
Can i request a texture set? Your work is amazing.
Will pay 50k provided you can edit it to suit my likings.
Just make the head the same style as the head in your avatar, And the rest of the body to be Unique monsterish..
Colours would be Velvet Primary and Quicksilver secondary, feel free to toss in Grays and Blacks as well.

Woops posted in wrong account, Money and feedback will come from account named "Dapwnner"

Wow, thanks!

I've never gone at a full texture set but I'm sure I can try one.

Slayer, as the first poster this'll only cost 200 TC. Seam will not be shown ingame.

Senc me the TC and the flat will be on its way.
DtotheZ, heres the rough version of yours. Any details you'd like me to add or change?

Slayer, what exact shade do you want yours?

V1 - V2 -
Last edited by Rikka_old; Nov 27, 2009 at 09:22 PM.
hey can I pleaz get one that...

color silver,a shade of blue that looks like lightning
details: make it look like this but kinda scaly like example one
Last edited by decimat0r1; Nov 28, 2009 at 12:37 AM.
Sorry for the delay, i forgot to check this thread. I've sent you the TC.
I like v2. It's awsome .
For your records...

You've sent 200 toricredits to Rikka.