Secret Santa 2024
I did you the favor of correcting your ridiculous prices by actually looking at DealFinder. The prices below are directly from DealFinder, which everyone can and will look at before buying.

1. Void Grip - 20,000
2. Void LHMT - 8,000
3. Void LLMT - 8,000
4. Void Primary Gradient - 20,000
5. Void RHMT - 8,000
6. Void RLMT - 8,000
7. Void Secondary Gradient - 20,000
8. Void Timer - 50,000 (you actually underpriced the one item nobody really wants)
9. Void Torso - 6,000

No, you aren't seeing things. The trails are actually 8k, not 80k. Sorry.
I am neither Oyster nor lsl.