GUYS our bumpy man will go KABOOOOOOM (explodes)
So dargon your head will go KABOOOOOOM if we can't let you stop laughing...
or is it just annoying? XD wahaahahahahahahhahahahahahah
wahhahahaha "critical fase 1 reached" wahahhaha " critical fase 2 reached, DANGER" wahahahhahahaha "critical fase 3 reached, DANGER DANGER" waha BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM

His head explodes and you hear pieces from his head falling down behind your back, little crunchy sounds. then you rises your arm and his mouth falls into your hand you bring his mouth to your ears and here comes his last words: "wohoo that was BUMPY"
the end of mr Bumpy bumperman
Died due to wahahaha

damn so long reply hope you read it