Cortex Command gone pre-commercial
Yup, that's right, it's a pay game now. HOWEVER, since it's pre-release, it's also
heavily discounted right now. The game is currently $18.00, but when it's done,
it'll be $38.00, so buy it early!
Now, let's go over the new features...
Armor system: It is now possible to add armor to actors, which i personally find
pretty damn cool. So far i've made an armored skeleton, and a brain with a force field...
Crouching: You can now crouch and crawl, so you can take cover and crawl
under low spaces.
Improved AI: Now the enemies will actually be a threat! They find the way to
your brain with the least resistance, and they will utilize diggers to get there!
Drop-ship gibbing: Drop-ships now gib. It's extremely dangerous to gib a flying
drop-ship while standing beneath it...
There is more, but i'll let you find that :]
And, here's a couple of gifs, which show drop-ship gibs and armor system, respectively:
Discuss :3