Original Post
[A] Platinum Relax
Platinum Relax

Minimum Bid: 30k
Minimum Raise: 2k
Buy Now: 50k

This auction will end 24 hours after the last bid.

The winner of this auction will also pick up a Quicksilver Ghost in addition to the platinum relax.

Any complaints about pricing will be dealt with via PM, don't whine in my thread.

Also, I will not take items that are of an equivalent price, i'm only interested in TC.

Thank you, and happy bidding :D

Last edited by Corey; Dec 5, 2009 at 11:21 AM.
For your records...

You've sent 32000 toricredits to Corey

heya Corey,
24 hours have past since my valid bid - waiting plat relax and QS ghost

cheers m8
wishful eyes deceive me