Original Post

So yeah, just to tell you that I'm still alive n stuff seein as I haven't been on in like 2 months.
Still keep me as inactive seein as well, am. But I'll try to pop in every so often. Life has got a bit busier now and I'm focusing more on fitness rather than gaming.
Last edited by NGative; Dec 7, 2009 at 07:16 PM.
And seeing as I'm giving away more accs to friends and family you'll probably see me in this acc more often.
Well just to say really that you'll probably see me more in alt accs as I'm starting to give my passswords away to people.

Aaaaaaand I haven't been active within just over two months so I thought I'd pop in and say hi. :3
...Giving passwords to people? Sounds pretty bad because if someone uses NGative to spam/being a noob/what ever, that might affect the clans rep. Want us to change that into your clan member acc? But before that post here with NGative "Chuh is my alt". One can never be too carefull you know.
Clan Blood Leader
Sup, wb

So, what account will be your main? :|
And why can't your friends and family members make new accounts for themselves...?