Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
make me a shoe
hi i bought a left foot texture and i want a foot which goes with my amnethist force, radioactive relax, toxic blood, toxic torso and my head.
or make me something cool which i could use if i buy a 2nd foot
im tried to find out where which part of the 128x128 file belongs to and failed (lazyness :d)

pay 2k(or 4 if you make it for 2 feet)
Originally Posted by ronalds View Post
i will have a go

the way the foot textures are wrapped makes this a basically impossible task, but i wont stop you.
Originally Posted by Blam View Post
the way the foot textures are wrapped makes this a basically impossible task, but i wont stop you.

its not impossible

just find out where what is
Its not that its hard to find out where things are, its that the top is stretched ALOT and it will be impossible to make a good shoe out of it
You should make a tutorial picture for the foot ronalds, show were every thing would be on the foot and all.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

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If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

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I know everyone will shame me for this, but... where did you buy the foot? Do you mean the demon left foot? Or, what?
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Originally Posted by Samule View Post
I know everyone will shame me for this, but... where did you buy the foot? Do you mean the demon left foot? Or, what?

in the shop?

can you pls post the file so i can test it ingame?
put a watermark on it if you like..