Original Post
quicksilver ..belt?
what belt do u have to be for quick silver.. i think someone should sticky something about what belts u have to be for diffrent colors... but what belt do u need to have to use quick silver
Milkyshake, there has already been a thread that shows what you need to be in order to have a certain belt. I'll use the Search for you ...
actually i think u do need a required number of qi to get quicksilver, i remember my lil bro buying stuff and seeing a required qi next to quicksilver joints. Juo you probably dont see it because you have enough qi to get it
wenn you look at qs says it
Price: 54000.00
Stock: 7
You need 13607.14 toricredits

if you needed a belt to own qs would it say

xxx Qi left to unlock

1 qi = one match
20qi = yellow belt
50 qi = orange belt
100qi = green belt
250qi = blue belt
500qi = brown belt
1000qi = black belt
2000qi= 2nd dan blackbelt
10000qi = 10th dan black belt
15000qi = mster belt
Ah, milkyshake... Here, I found you posting so many lock and shame posts, and yet here, I find such a disatrously silly question that doesn't even belong in Support.

You get all your answers by just heading for the shop. How much Qi do you need? Then, you have the exact number of matches you've gotta play left!
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.