Original Post
Hey Guys
Hello everyone i would just like to let you all know getting the internet hasn't really been a top priority recently so i haven't been online (right now I'm at my brothers computer) which may still take some time to get, hopefully just hopefully i'll have internet sometime soon though which when i do get i'll upload my new texture set which is my best personal artwork with photoshop cs3, hope too see you all soon and happy late holidays /B-Days and whatnot.
You don't say?
welcome back and better get that network to work, forum is getting full of your comeback threads D
Mah DA
❒Single ❒Taken ✔Dubstep
Hey look another person I don't know.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Originally Posted by Marco View Post
Hey look another person I don't know.

Same here, bro.

Welcome back, I guess. Hope you get your internet fixed up.
hello there everyone (still working on getting the internet) i know i keep posting new threads based on the same thing but i figured i'd just keep you guys posted so you know i still exist well anyways I'll be on later sometime even if it's only to post in this thread or another like it
You don't say?