Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
I dont think being homosexual is right and dont support it at all. But hell, I could care less what other people are doing as long as it doesnt affect me. Maybe if gay marriage was legal I wouldnt have to hear about it so much.

If the kid agrees to be adopted by Gay parents then sure they should adopt the kid. But even if I had no parents I know sure as hell I wouldnt want no gay parents, and if the kid feels the same and is all ew gross I'd rather stay here ._. then I dont think they should be allowed to adopt him.

Kids like you make America a wonderful place.

"I dont think being homosexual is right and dont support it at all."

You make it sound like people choose to be homosexual.

"If the kid agrees to be adopted by Gay parents then sure they should adopt the kid."

Yeah, pre-teen orphans know the concept of homosexuality extremely well, I'm assuming that's because they haven't become sexually active yet, and should also be given more rights when it comes to choosing ones parents than teenagers. "I HATE YOU DADDY/MOMMY" -> "here, pick a new family".

You're a prick, and I'm assuming your parents are pricks too, which is where you've gotten your shitty attitude from. Kids with gay parents would grow up with a greater tolerance, a more open mind. But thanks to pricks like you, the world will always be a shitty place.

Yes, I support gay marriage/gay adoption. Let me ask you something:


This debate is shit, there is not a single good reason why it shouldn't be legalized and accepted.
Last edited by dalir; Jan 7, 2010 at 08:17 AM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
too long to quote

They do choose to be gay. Do you see gay animals? No, you wont unless they have something wrong with them, it's not natural to be gay. It's not like I'd go protesting against gays it's just I dont see it as right but if they really want to then go ahead.

If the parents are ok with straight people and arent going to raise the kid to be gay but to choose his own sexuality without any influence then fine, but considering kids would are more able to have their opinions swayed then they would most likely grow up to be gay.

I never said nothing about them picking new parents when they alredy have them, where did you pull that from? I was only talking about if they are older, I dont know how old is the max limit for an orphanage but I'd assume it's until you turn 16-18 unless they kick you out when you hit your teenage years and say sorry go live somewhere else no one wants you. This including teens that have had their parents die or have been abusing them, they shouldn't have to go live with gay parents if they are against it.

When I say dont support it at all, all I'm saying is I dont think they should but if they want to then whatever.

Also, If gays were meant to be then gays would be able to reproduce, but they cant it's not natural.

<joking> Maybe that's whats gonna happen in 2012 everyone turns gay, therefore ending the human race.</dont comment on this>
Last edited by isaac; Jan 10, 2010 at 05:40 AM.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
They do choose to be gay. Do you see gay animals? No, you wont unless they have something wrong with them, it's not natural to be gay.

The other thread has a relevant post. Turns out there are gay animals, in fact it's been observed not just in bonobos but in a wide variety of animals.
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Originally Posted by isaac View Post
They do choose to be gay. Do you see gay animals? No, you wont unless they have something wrong with them, it's not natural to be gay.

<insert TL: DR here>

Where the fuck were you in the choice/genetics thread?!
i liek turtelz xd
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
They do choose to be gay. Do you see gay animals? No, you wont unless they have something wrong with them, it's not natural to be gay. It's not like I'd go protesting against gays it's just I dont see it as right but if they really want to then go ahead.

Like it has been said, homosexuality happens in the animal kingdom. We're, on the other hand, the only species that make such a big deal out of it. You know what else isn't "natural"? Cooking your meal, sitting in front of the PC, going to school. Also, why isn't it their right to be gay. If you know anything, you'll know that being gay isn't guys just suddenly feeling like blowing eachother, or girls doing whatever they do to please eachother (who knows). So, it's not their right to be themselves? It's not their right to get married like everybody else, raise a kid with love and affection? You have no backing at all to your claims of kids being raised by homosexual parents turning gay. And so what if they did? I bet you think black people don't have the right to stay black, because it's JUST NOT RIGHT.
If the parents are ok with straight people and arent going to raise the kid to be gay but to choose his own sexuality without any influence then fine, but considering kids would are more able to have their opinions swayed then they would most likely grow up to be gay.

1. You don't CHOOSE your own sexuality, you don't choose what weird fetishes you might like when you grow up (yes, I already know that you're like 12). This is a point I need you to understand.

2. Yeah, homosexuals turned gay because their opinions were swayed, totally. If you're tolerant/open-minded, you'll probably be some gayfag hippie liberal, right? Fuck you. Sexuality isn't about opinions. Kids with homophobes as parents also turn out to be gay. Every sort of kid these is has turned out gay, if they're not already at birth (since we're not done with that debate yet, I'm not going to take any sides).

I never said nothing about them picking new parents when they alredy have them, where did you pull that from? I was only talking about if they are older, I dont know how old is the max limit for an orphanage but I'd assume it's until you turn 16-18 unless they kick you out when you hit your teenage years and say sorry go live somewhere else no one wants you. This including teens that have had their parents die or have been abusing them, they shouldn't have to go live with gay parents if they are against it.

No, you said that kids have the mental capabilities to pick their own parents. Do you know the reason you hate gay people? Your parents. Your friends' parents. They're the only reason. Mostly, because you've never met a gay person whose announced it. One of your friends might be gay. Your best friend, he might even be gay. Live with the thought. And to respond to your post, most gay people adopt young kids because they want to raise them. Kids who, don't have ANY IDEA AT ALL what sex or life means.

When I say dont support it at all, all I'm saying is I dont think they should but if they want to then whatever.

Yes, you've already made it clear that you don't support it at all. You've made clear that you're a fucking immature kid who's relaying his parents twisted opinions onto these forums. "I don't think they should, but if they want to, whatever"? Are you an idiot?

Also, If gays were meant to be then gays would be able to reproduce, but they cant it's not natural.

Gays are human beings, gays are the same species as us. Human. Gays CAN reproduce, they're able to have sex with women and impregnate them, or if you're referring to lesbians, most of them CAN get pregnant, they just don't feel the urge to. But yeah, I see your point, people who're having difficulties getting pregnant/impregnating aren't natural. They're freaks.

God, what a prick you are.

<joking> Maybe that's whats gonna happen in 2012 everyone turns gay, therefore ending the human race.</dont comment on this>

Idiot. Why are you even posting in discussion, go back to wibbles. If I still had the ability, I'd ban you from posting here. I mostly don't even know how to comment on your retarded + bigoted posts, so I'll just let the posts since this one be the laughing stock of the actual smart people on these forums.

See you in hell.
Last edited by dalir; Jan 11, 2010 at 01:10 PM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
Gays are human beings, gays are the same species as us. Human. Gays CAN reproduce, they're able to have sex with women and impregnate them, or if you're referring to lesbians, most of them CAN get pregnant, they just don't feel the urge to. But yeah, I see your point, people who're having difficulties getting pregnant/impregnating aren't natural. They're freaks.

He means that gays would be able to have kids with other men.

And guys, stop saying prick. It reminds me of needles, and I hate needles.
i liek turtelz xd
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
Like it has been said, homosexuality happens in the animal kingdom. We're, on the other hand, the only species that make such a big deal out of it. You know what else isn't "natural"? Cooking your meal, sitting in front of the PC, going to school. Also, why isn't it their right to be gay. If you know anything, you'll know that being gay isn't guys just suddenly feeling like blowing eachother, or girls doing whatever they do to please eachother (who knows). So, it's not their right to be themselves? It's not their right to get married like everybody else, raise a kid with love and affection? You have no backing at all to your claims of kids being raised by homosexual parents turning gay. And so what if they did? I bet you think black people don't have the right to stay black, because it's JUST NOT RIGHT.

1. You don't CHOOSE your own sexuality, you don't choose what weird fetishes you might like when you grow up (yes, I already know that you're like 12). This is a point I need you to understand.

2. Yeah, homosexuals turned gay because their opinions were swayed, totally. If you're tolerant/open-minded, you'll probably be some gayfag hippie liberal, right? Fuck you. Sexuality isn't about opinions. Kids with homophobes as parents also turn out to be gay. Every sort of kid these is has turned out gay, if they're not already at birth (since we're not done with that debate yet, I'm not going to take any sides).

No, you said that kids have the mental capabilities to pick their own parents. Do you know the reason you hate gay people? Your parents. Your friends' parents. They're the only reason. Mostly, because you've never met a gay person whose announced it. One of your friends might be gay. Your best friend, he might even be gay. Live with the thought. And to respond to your post, most gay people adopt young kids because they want to raise them. Kids who, don't have ANY IDEA AT ALL what sex or life means.

Yes, you've already made it clear that you don't support it at all. You've made clear that you're a fucking immature kid who's relaying his parents twisted opinions onto these forums. "I don't think they should, but if they want to, whatever"? Are you an idiot?

Gays are human beings, gays are the same species as us. Human. Gays CAN reproduce, they're able to have sex with women and impregnate them, or if you're referring to lesbians, most of them CAN get pregnant, they just don't feel the urge to. But yeah, I see your point, people who're having difficulties getting pregnant/impregnating aren't natural. They're freaks.

God, what a prick you are.

Idiot. Why are you even posting in discussion, go back to wibbles. If I still had the ability, I'd ban you from posting here. I mostly don't even know how to comment on your retarded + bigoted posts, so I'll just let the posts since this one be the laughing stock of the actual smart people on these forums.

See you in hell.

Bold is why I now love you.

Red is why you're so right.

Both my parents are highly homophobic, my grandmom is über-extremely homophobic due to religion, and yet... I am bisexual. Oh, and this also gives me the chance to give you first hand the following phrase: "Sexual orientation is not a choice."
I had a gay friend at school. he was a couple years older than me. the day that he openly admitted his homosexuality (Actually his Bi-sexuality), there was a fuss all over the school. i honestly didn't give a shit. He was my friend, and i wasn't going to stop being so, just cause he liked guys. some of the jerks in my class said i was gay coz i hanged out with my friend, until i made them shut up with a fist in the mouth. i honestly don't have anything against gay/lesbian relationships and marriages... it's funny... last month, here in Argentina, a gay couple was going to marry in a northern province, but the laws in there (actually in the whole country) state that gay marriage is illegal, as our constitution and laws are based on two things: Christianity, and how much money the president wants (which according to her is not for her, but to pay the external debt and shit). so what happened? the day before the wedding, the first judge's order (to let them marry), was appealed by a homofobic judge, who won, and their marriage was cancelled. after this, the governor of the southernmost province (where i live =D), called them in secret to marry here. after the secret marriage, the news spread all over the country. a week later, another homofobic judge apealled to the marriage, and asked the remotion of the governor as such, and the marriage to be considered void. i believe (coz i haven't paid to much attention to the news these days) that the appealing is still in debate.

after this whole text wall, i say: If two people love eachother, then let them be. i personally would grab a pipe give that homofobic judge a free face surgery.

as for the gay adoptions, i say the same. if two people from the same sex adopt a child, he or she will not be gay because his or her parents were, or because they told him or her. it depends on THEIR OWN ACTIONS AND CHOICES, NOT THE ENVIRONMENT THEY LIVE IN. it doesn't depend either on the living conditions, or race, or anything. homosexuality exists in all races, classes, places, ages and jobs.

now after stating all this, and risking to get banned, i say: if you opose gay marriage and gay adoption without any proof that they harm anyone or anything, but your homofobic ego in any way, then
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I won't be active in-forums or in-game until 4.0 comes out.
Originally Posted by ilasaigues View Post
I had a gay friend at school. he was a couple years older than me. the day that he openly admitted his homosexuality (Actually his Bi-sexuality), there was a fuss all over the school. i honestly didn't give a shit. He was my friend, and i wasn't going to stop being so, just cause he liked guys. some of the jerks in my class said i was gay coz i hanged out with my friend, until i made them shut up with a fist in the mouth. i honestly don't have anything against gay/lesbian relationships and marriages... it's funny... last month, here in Argentina, a gay couple was going to marry in a northern province, but the laws in there (actually in the whole country) state that gay marriage is illegal, as our constitution and laws are based on two things: Christianity, and how much money the president wants (which according to her is not for her, but to pay the external debt and shit). so what happened? the day before the wedding, the first judge's order (to let them marry), was appealed by a homofobic judge, who won, and their marriage was cancelled. after this, the governor of the southernmost province (where i live =D), called them in secret to marry here. after the secret marriage, the news spread all over the country. a week later, another homofobic judge apealled to the marriage, and asked the remotion of the governor as such, and the marriage to be considered void. i believe (coz i haven't paid to much attention to the news these days) that the appealing is still in debate.

after this whole text wall, i say: If two people love eachother, then let them be. i personally would grab a pipe give that homofobic judge a free face surgery.

as for the gay adoptions, i say the same. if two people from the same sex adopt a child, he or she will not be gay because his or her parents were, or because they told him or her. it depends on THEIR OWN ACTIONS AND CHOICES, NOT THE ENVIRONMENT THEY LIVE IN. it doesn't depend either on the living conditions, or race, or anything. homosexuality exists in all races, classes, places, ages and jobs.

now after stating all this, and risking to get banned, i say: if you opose gay marriage and gay adoption without any proof that they harm anyone or anything, but your homofobic ego in any way, then

Gay adoption,oh sure we don't have proof that it will harm the child,do we have proof that it will not affect the child.Also Dalir and comrades stop your silly sociological assumptions and generalizations with respect to your ideas,I don't oppose gay marriage btw.
Last edited by William; Jan 12, 2010 at 09:27 PM.