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Can you upload head without head item?
I made a texture but dont have 2k tc to buy the head thingy.. I made a phew textures but I just dont know how to upload them without having to have the head item. Help!?!
Buying the item is the only way to get a head texture (unless you're really REALLY good with computers and find a way, but I believe that is illegal)
So the answer is no.
Im having the same problem PhazedOut, but if you search the market deals you can find the head texture for about 1900 tc. i only got about 50 tc at best...
You can save the texture file as a .tga, then put it in the custom folder, under your name. You can find the custom folder in your Toribash Folder.

That is just for previews, nobody else can see it except you if you do it that way.
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
You can save the texture file as a .tga, then put it in the custom folder, under your name. You can find the custom folder in your Toribash Folder.

That is just for previews, nobody else can see it except you if you do it that way.

Oh ok but how can you make it show up in free play.. Like upload it to Toribash. I tried to do " /dl phazedout" Buuuuutttt it didn't work :/ Thanks
but in multiplayer the only one who is able to see it is you.
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I've saved it as .tga, put it in customs under my name. And then what? Does it just pop up or do I have to do something further...