Originally Posted by superkake View Post
4 infractions?! thats alot...
i think...

i want to test him..

i think we deserve to know
what those infractions were

They were for useless posts, and those replays are new. I just hadn't changed my tag yet, but I'll still make new ones if you like.
Belt: Black
Preferred Mods: Wushu, but mostly I will play happily in any mod
Referrals (if any): None
Previous Clans: [MS] (MastaStrike), [D] (Delta)
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): 1 because I was being a noob and I made a useless post. I have learned my lesson.
Talents(Tb related): I can make simple heads and I am good at making single player replays.
What you will bring to the clan: Activity (Ingame and on the forum), simple texture making skills, cool replays, and good times.
Other stuff we have to know:not much other that I can work well in mostly any mod
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below)
Attached Files
KP MY EPIC BREAKDANCE.rpl (287.7 KB, 6 views)
KP double kick.rpl (63.4 KB, 7 views)
KP Favourite spot.rpl (231.8 KB, 8 views)
KP SKEET SHOT.rpl (136.5 KB, 9 views)
KP flipper DECAP.rpl (99.1 KB, 5 views)