we only have one mod right now... when we do theyll be on a team ready to whoop your best, be prepared SXC... especially you, bMan. no one insults Kntornsrin in front of us.
Bman i have to say you're screwed in my eyes and in alot of other people abuse powers(league thing) swear every 3 words yell have a sucky temper makes clans leaves them makes new clan
So Freelance, yea they are good but we are almost up there with them they are a ALL elite clan so are we. Your clan has blue belts and yellow and brown. We have Black belts and up. I was in freedance. This clan is a mixture of many which is [CBK] [Freelance] [Ninja] [Toxic]. Try us if you wish but fight with your own clan and we will fight with ours. Pick a time and place.
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wonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonk♥♥♥wonkwonkwon kwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonk