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Why do you think people bully other people?

Does it satisfy them because they don't feel good about themselves personally or is it just something that makes that person think they are cool and do it to get attention?

Personally I hate bullies, I look at them as the lowest things around whether it be at school or at parks/community centers.

If I see somone picking on somone because they are bigger then them, me being usually just as big as them will get him to stop them because I see how idiotic and how the person getting bullied feals, seeing as I used to be one of the littler kids at my school.

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~TheElement Signature WingFlame
people bully other people cuz they try 'fitting in'. they think they all that and they hate many things about themselves. not that i would know tho.
They do it for power. Power over others gives them the equivalent of an adrenaline rush, especially in cases of physical abuse.

I don't have a problen with it; it is the strong preying upon the weak.
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[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
They do it for power. Power over others gives them the equivalent of an adrenaline rush, especially in cases of physical abuse.

I don't have a problen with it; it is the strong preying upon the weak.

Well if you actually look at the people they are bullying and if you actually know them and have been picked on in life before you would know how it feels, to be looked down at and have somone thinking they are better then you so they have the right to abuse you by hitting/making fun of.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
It is the dominant preying upon the meek. It is the natural order of things, and it occurs in the animal kingdom as well. It is nothing more than an expression of physical superiority.
Proud Member Of [Evil]
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[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
It is the dominant preying upon the meek. It is the natural order of things, and it occurs in the animal kingdom as well. It is nothing more than an expression of physical superiority.

By the way you are saying things I am geussing you are one of the people who does not get bullied, maybe even be the bully.

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~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
It is the dominant preying upon the meek. It is the natural order of things, and it occurs in the animal kingdom as well. It is nothing more than an expression of physical superiority.

So you wouldn't mind if i came and stomped all over your face because i think you look ugly? Because that's how it typically works in the school. Odd man out. The victim isn't necessarily physically weak, just psychologically. People see this, and jump the fuck on him/her. I, for one, could probably (keyword PROBABLY) have taken most of the bullies in a fair one-on-one fight, but it so happens that i'm a peaceful person with rather low self-esteem. That, and they would all be too cowardly to take anyone as strong as themselves on face to face. Either ambush or clusterfuck, yes sir.

@Rott: You're right in most things you're saying, but standing up to the bullies didn't work the last 27 times i tried in primary school. The only reason that i got any respect towards the end of that hell was because people matured up slightly, and realized that it was somewhat cool to be intelligent. Or maybe because they were getting bored after several years. Tried all the tricks in the book, no lasting results. Ignoring, raging, telling them off, insulting them back, telling both teachers and parents, you name it.
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Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
It is the dominant preying upon the meek. It is the natural order of things, and it occurs in the animal kingdom as well. It is nothing more than an expression of physical superiority.

Are you just using natural as a buzzword for good? Because just because something is part of the so-called natural order of things this does not justify it.
well i think bullys are people who don`t care about anything else but bullying and how tough they are so there size really doesn`t matter they are weak they only pick on little kids not kids who can fight.
Well, that could vary on alot of things. Like, as said before he/she has been bullied in the past. Or he's just a power hungry fat fuck :v.

Like, I've seen alot of bullying in my life and no one has bullied me before. If someone did something I would find offensive it would've been a joke or he's a serious dickhead.

Also: I'm pretty sure there's a thread on this already. Maybe 1 or 2. ;b
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