Christmas Lottery
Original Post
help-me please.
help me please.
Hello people, I'm new to this forum, and do not know how I put my textures for sale, please someone help me?

I am professional designer and I make animations, and then tried to make textures and saw that I have the "gift"

if someone can help me I appreciate.

Last edited by celozleste; Jan 21, 2010 at 11:03 PM.
hey, I just wanted to know how to sell my textures the forum, without having to keep adding those interested in msn .. I'm new in the forum and would like to know that ..

Ok, create your previews in which ever way you see fit. Upload them to an image hosting website e.g.

Copy the URL to the forums and encase it inside tags.

Post it in the Art/Textures sub forum of the Market Board.

If it's an auction remember to include an end date.
sorry, but still do not understand, it's all automatic? I choose the price paid and who leads? or will have to send me to whisper I have a texture?

I do like the auction automatically?

thanks again
No, none of it's automated.

Create a thread with the following format.

Starting bid: 10,000TC (minimum bid that can be made)
Minimum Raise: (Smallest amount the bid can be raised by)
Autobuy: (the amount paid, to buyout the textures)

End Date (Date the auction ends)

Members will post their bids in the form of replies in the thread, when it reaches the end date or autobuy, you will send the members the textures through either an email attachment or a sharing website. They will send you the TC through the forums transfer function.

Has this cleared anything up?
very well informed =]

thanks again, just does not understand very well autobuy: S

sorry, I'm dumb for these things .. (