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Hm. The best guitar players werent the blues guys. Its all just improv, which is great and all, but all you have to know is your blues scales.
And, @ CaptainSmegma, who are you to say a guitar player is bad, because he learns all of his music with TABs?
Its just like reading sheet music, minus the rhythm.
To conclude, my favorite guitar player would have to be Hendrix. Im not saying hes the best, just my favorite.
To address your flawed points in order, good sir:
Firstly, the blues guys are fucking incredible. You have clearly never played blues at any decent level, or listened to enough of it to realise that there's far more going on than playing up and down a scale. I doubt half the metal guys could pull off licks like someone like SRV does either.
Secondly, ther's nothing WRONG with using tabs or sheet music at all-that's not what i said.. I was referring to players who fail to develop their ear due to relying on these resources too heavily. I've seen many, many players who can play all the notes to a song in time and sound boring and shit. Why? because they have no idea which notes to emphasize, where to put the little slides into notes, curls and ghost notes that separate the man from the boys, and couldn't improvise or jam to save their lives. You are probably in this category, i'm guessing?
So in colclusion, it's interesting that your favorite player would be Hendrix, who's music is rooted in the blues, improvisation, and learning music by ear, and not relying on someone else telling him what the notes are.
I would suggest that you acquire some real knowledge about music, specifically music made on the guitar, before trying to fake expertise and pretending to 'enlighten' us.
good day to you.