Originally Posted by
1)Most african history havnt finished yet, dictators still rule here, war still goes on there... 2)Some history is irrelevant
the phrase "1)" take my attention.
1)From your phrase look like if you assume for real the existance of a historical path that repeats itself in every different civilization,but this is wrong,because this path don't exist.Every civilization have his path and its different from others.Occidental civilization isnt at the end of his path,cause only the death our civilization is the end of this path(i say "our" cause i'm part of occidental civilization).
2)Every hystory can be irrelevant(or vice versa)it only depend by the use you do with this knowledge.It can have many uses,starting from simple personal desire to know,or also for satisfy a curiosity.Then if some history would be irrelevant,this would mean that someone have to divide "utility" history from "irrelevant" history(and in truth this act is already on when governaments decide wich history must to be taught in school,and wich not).But to teach to others what u think is more right is a way for influence their toughts,so the division u did is really dangerous if apply on global scale(and an example on african state would be "if for ex, your governament let you study only about white racism on black people,and judge like "irrilevant" all the base of positivism(that is one of the best thought in occidental civilization),in this way black people will grow hating white and wanting only a revenge,thinking that ONLY thing that occidental did was to torture black people".This is only a stupid example of what can mean a bad utilization of "good" and "irrilevant" history.
So the end of my thought is that dont exist an "universal" distiction for "good" and "irrilevant" history,this can only depend by person...if i judge irrilevant something,so that "something" is irrilevant...but only for me.
I hope i was,almost in part,clear
Last edited by bRuCiA; Feb 5, 2010 at 01:49 PM.