Original Post
Mega Sale
Hey guys

I need some money so i am selling most of my items.
I accept tc only!
Only serious offers get serious answers.
All items need Qi.Dont even ask for sth like no-qi pure.
Only items of the set "Not Full" are for sale.
Offers on other items wont get an answer.

We can also have a deal by trading items!Items i need at the moment:

Olive Relax
Toxic Relax
Full Sphinx Set
Full Sapphire Set
Superfly Force
Any Packs (No Full Sets!)

Link to the set here.

Another inventory added!
You can buy all items out of this inv including pure and warrior stuff!
This Inventory belongs to SpaceInvader so if you offer on items out if the link here dont be confused if he haggles with ya =]
He may accept $$ aswell as Toriprime.

Link to his Inventory.

Respect Dealfinder prices!
You can also offer me via pm.

Edit:Please offer by yourself.Sth like how much for xXx will be ignored.

Last edited by Lucker; Feb 9, 2010 at 08:58 PM.