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an end to water pollution?
a recent graduate of the college of wooster in ohio has just made an amazing discovery. he's created small particles he calls "Ozorb" (ozone + obsorb). when demonstrating the ability of these particles, he presents a solution of gasoline mixed with water. he pours in the Ozorb, stirs them around, and they float to the top. he simply skims it off the top, and drinks the water. its 100% pure. gasoline and other non-water liquids stick to the Ozorb, and cause it to float to the top.

consider the possibilities. this stuff can be made at a very low price, and could most likely filter out a section of a lake where there was an oil spill, or turn ocean water into pure water. best of all, it can be heated up, so anything on it falls off, and it can be reused.

dont believe it? fine, don't post. I saw it myself and it does work. do believe it? tell us what you think
Originally Posted by Bjjwannabe View Post
Gasoline does NOT mix with water. Gasoline floats to the surface of the water already.

If that was true alot of kids in africa, and ocean animals would still be alive.
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Originally Posted by fistfury View Post
If that was true alot of kids in africa, and ocean animals would still be alive.

Petrol (Gasoline) is a form of an oil. Oils do not mix with water. What happens is that the petrol forms a layer on top of the water. Not only does this block sunlight, but anything that touches the layer will be covered in the oil. The main problem with an oil spill is that it spreads over a large amount of area. I assume that this Obsorb mixes with the gasoline to make it easier to remove the gasoline.
Last edited by Bjjwannabe; Feb 5, 2010 at 09:57 PM.
Originally Posted by fistfury View Post
If that was true alot of kids in africa, and ocean animals would still be alive.

If you learned biology, you would find out that oil and water can't mix, because both are have polar molecules.
Originally Posted by Kezera View Post
If you learned biology, you would find out that oil and water can't mix, because both are have polar molecules.

That's chemistry, but w/e. Your point is still right though so thanks for being the one of the few who understands that oils do not mix with water.

Caz, the main issue with your argument is that shipping it to poorer countries will do NOTHING to help them. This is supposed to clean up oil spills. Unless a third world country has a plethora of oil spills, then they'd probably need it. I'd assume that this would probably be given to many organizations all over the world that clean up the oil spills.
Originally Posted by fistfury View Post
If that was true alot of kids in africa, and ocean animals would still be alive.

Actually if it was truly effective at "ending water pollution" then it would remove the salt from the water too. As far as picking up oil, there are lots of ways to pick up water with different types of particles. The problem is you then have to make enough to spread over all the oil and you have to collect it. Once you collect it, then you have a lot of waste. You basically need a chemical or organism that can chemically alter the oil and any other pollution rendering it harmless to plants and animals.
Bella Vega, Health insurance quote Advisor
I cant believe this can be a truly effective form of water cleaning because all the other factors there are in waters besides simply cleaning chemicals out.
There are other bacterias such as viruses and the salt content of water isnt cleansing.
Some kind of super organism would be best that is edible and cleans water quickly and efficient.
Ozone is already used to purify water. It's probably better than this Ozorb anyway.

(It even purifies things that actually mix with water, btw.)
Last edited by Pirate_old; Feb 5, 2010 at 09:38 PM.
If this is true a lot of Ozorb will have to be made.
also who will Clean the Residue from the Ozorb that floats to the top?