Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by tatsujay View Post
The only reason i even posted the First huge chunk of that was because you said "bliss is in ignorance" I was just making sure you didn't exclude yourself, because of the chronological order that you placed that comment, it had seemed that you maybe had?

But that still leaves the Lower third of my original post that remains unanswered or commented upon:...Perhaps you too could entertain the thought of the opposition?

For all you know "God" could really be created by the devil to upkeep an illusion created by "The Devil"

This question has been asked billions of times... and I KNOW its off topic but...NO ONE WILL ANSWER...
"Why does there HAVE to have been a "God" to have made all that we know?"


I really don't understand how you can say that "God" does in fact exist 100% when all the means to tell whether or not "God" exists are completely outside of the realm of human comprehension...

What would a being of such even look like, and how exactly would anyone know that this "God" even made us in their own image at all?


If "God" made us in HIS image... Why are we not all knowing and omnipotent beings bound by time and space itself...And why isn't he an emotional sack of flesh and bone?...

And this was actually ment to be a debate discussing the logical problems of "God":Pertaining to Christianity

(Those last few are a bit of rant-like/pointless, but they are honest questions...)

...Let's see if we can clear up your "never answered" questions.

Why does there have to be a god to make up all that we know: There doesn't. We aren't saying its a definite fact that God exists. In fact, 70% or more of the people posting in this thread believe he doesn't exist.

How one can say that 100% they believe god exists when all means of comprehension of such are outside our realm: I think the main answer here is faith. People become hung up on their convictions which answer the many questions science has been unable to answer for hundreds upon thousands of years. Note* I am not saying these people are rational, in fact, most people don't believe 100% that God exists, but they have a stronger inclination that God exists than God not existing.

What would such a being look like: Who says it's one specific figure at one specific instance of time? God, most likely, is a spirit, outside our realm of time. That's if he exists.

God made us in his image: You are reading the bible LITERALLY when it should be understood and translated FIGURATIVELY. God didn't say "my face looks like this, so yours will too". Thats ludicrous. The figurative interpretation is that God created us to be holy creatures who believe in his higher power. We don't have to be "all knowing" and "all powerful" to be like him. Compare us to the other creatures god created, We are a hell of a lot more knowledgeable and powerful. You think a rhino is strong? Try holding an AK-47.

Concerning the debate topic: Odlov created this thread with the intentions of posting some of the many valid philosophical and logical dilemmas which prevent him to believe in God. I am imagining he is looking for people to either reflect on his points and comment constructively towards his argument, or make counter arguments and points to show why Odlov should believe in some form of god.
Need help?
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