Original Post
Safety, do it wrong and BAM....dead.
Disclaimer thing: Some of you may concider the videos to contain extreme gore/violence....only some of you.



So, do you think these adverts have prevented any serious inguries or deaths?

Have they effected you at all by watching them?

Do you think you will remember those adverts when you are put in any of those situations?

Something about busses:D
Well, the first one was meh. They used to use actual accident footage for drivers-ed in high school in the US, now no school has funding for drivers-ed, but that's another story. I think it would be effective enough.

The second video...that's kind of another thing. The first one, about the lady in the kitchen (in b4 obvious internet jokes), I think was well made and made a decent point, probably could have done without the last scene, but eh. From there though the adverts seem to just derail into this sadistic "lets come up with creative way for people to die" stuff. Like, it wasnt enough that the dude got blown up, but he had to also fall on a moving dumptruck?

I dont know, I guess they are trying to shock people into compliance, but the whole "there are no accidents" and having dead people lament over "I wish I would have worn my safety gear" seems kinda dumb. There ARE accidents. Lots of them.

Im not offended by it, and I know they mean well. But I also dont think they will be affective, and I think they wasted a lot of money making them, paying some d-bag way too much money for some after affects tricks :P

People will ALWAYS fuck up, and while its goo to try and prevent that, I think these commercials kinda make it seem like "if you do this, its YOUR fault" when in reality EVERYONE fucks up ALL the time.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Well yes, but I think that if you had seen these adds (seconds one is part of a 30 minute program) just before you where going to work in any place like in the videos, you might remember to take extra precaution..

Although the amount of people who it would effect are probably alot lower, how else can they help without spending all the money they have on it?

ps. 3&4 are just plain retarded, I know.
Something about busses:D
They didn't affect me at all, because I never text while doing important stuffs, like driving or skating.
The videos were pretty well done though.

And those adverts probably prevented a FEW deaths.
Centuries Of Damn
Yes, I can imagine it did effect a few people, but if it had no effect on you what so-ever, how can you be "sure" that someone's death was prevented?
Something about busses:D
:3 The world is big bro, small kids won't like the blood and all the gory stuffs that happen in the video, so they will be too scared to text while driving a car, because they won't want an accident like the one in the video happen to them.
Centuries Of Damn
The first one was made where I live! :O

They are shocking videos, but nothing short of pure willpower will convince anyone to do anything. Take smoking adverts for instance. No matter how graphic they make the adverts on the tv and the cigarette packets, people still smoke, it doesnt change a thing. People will change if they want to change.
Well if smokers have been smoking for almost all their life, then It is going to be pretty hard to stop, and if they have the point of view where they say something like "I don't care if I'm killing myself, I would rather have a short fun life than a long and boring one." Then those adverts will just annoy them, wont it?
Something about busses:D