1 - C (I like Sonic, and have played almost every game)
2 - B (Whew, that one WAS good. I only played that once...)
3 - A (I have my bro's T-Shirt to thank for that gem =D)
4 - D (I haven't HEARD of one, but PS had no online function anyway, so a mix I guess)
5 - B (Purely a guess, this one.)
6 - C (I doubt one would author such games along with this abhoration)
7 - B (I spent at least 100 hours playing this beauty)
8 - D (My friend won't shut up about D&D games... But I can't remember this one)
9 - B (Thats right. I guessed. And thats also right. I never bothered checking any background to this legendary game. Woe unto me.)
10 - B (Dead rising wasn't really that bloody. Fallout 3 hasn't been released yet, and Gears of War allows a nice bit of disection. With a chainsaw bayonet. Win.)
Grade meh!