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[GATA] Signature of the Week #2

What is it and how does it work?
SOTW stands for Signature of the week. Every week there will be a different theme and it is your job to attempt to make a signature based around that theme. The artist that submits the best signature in that week will win 10k. A new theme will be announced every Tuesday and all tthe previous week's competition will close.

What will you be judged one?
-How well it fits the theme
-How aesthetically pleasing it is

Are there are any rules?
-No premades
-No ripping the work of others
-Maximum size is 500*250 however verticals are allowed
-You may only submit two signatures

This week's theme?

Originally Posted by Bwamp View Post
I'll work on this tomorrow.

Results from last week?

Will get them over the next few days.
Originally Posted by LikaHelii View Post
heres a sig i recently made for shadow elf

Originally Posted by surf View Post
-No premades

Surf mentioned that you can't used a premade sig.
So rusty it's ridiculous, but oh well.

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try