Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Ok, so I'm making this auction for my friend MARKED1 (she needs a head 512x texture) this is some of my past work. Prices are realistic, so bid and thx.

Bad Boy - SOLD!

Will be sent to machshiz!
(Sign die hard can be removed or put up more)

Red Hair

Starting bid: 1.5 K
Minimal Raise: 500 TC
Autobuy: 5 K

Zombie Type A

Starting bid: 1.5 K
Minimal Raise: 500 TC
Autobuy: 5 K

Tatoo Tori Master

Starting bid: 1.5 K
Minimal Raise: 500 TC
Autobuy: 5 K
(can be recolored)

Gargoyl Type A - SOLD!

Will be sent to dsnub!
(can be recolored)

Auction ended!
(Almost all heads are available in 256x and 512x)
If u buy send TC directly to MARKED1, I will provide flats.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 1, 2010 at 08:24 AM.
I wrote under the head descriptions that I can (i have that head on layers). It is leftover that i didn't have time to change *was lazy to make spiny without the word die hard.
thx for the first bid.
[no more bumps, this is over, I'll also pm the bidders, just wait for the transactions to be over to close this tread, please mods]
Since Auction is ended i just need to know in which rez u need those heads macshiz and dsnub ?
128x, 256x or 512x?

EDIT: dsnub paid and i sent him texture. waiting for the macshiz...
EDIT: Sent the flat to macshiz now waiting for payment...
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 2, 2010 at 06:36 AM.