1. i have an offer of 420k
2. this is my 4th toriburger becasue i have allready sold 3
3. i will take the offer of 420k because i buyed it for less (unless) i get a better offer.
Originally Posted by fireeyes View Post
so you are not selling anything? i wanted to trade the texture pack if yes pm me!

Yeah. But I am ONLY looking for collector's items and packs

Originally Posted by kingcumber View Post
1. i have an offer of 420k
2. this is my 4th toriburger becasue i have allready sold 3
3. i will take the offer of 420k because i buyed it for less (unless) i get a better offer.

k.. Get the 420k offer
I got an ivory set, though it's not packed, you still want it?
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi