Original Post
Head kick
Here's my head kicks

What is the best kick

Attached Files
headkick.rpl (31.2 KB, 25 views)
Head kick..rpl (28.4 KB, 24 views)
head kick off.rpl (25.8 KB, 28 views)
Re: Head kick
Originally Posted by Aleks
Here's my head kicks

What is the best kick


If you really want to know which one is better, you should've made this a poll.
Re: Head kick
Well if you were to Enter a Most Skilled player contest go with one but if you want to enter a Damageing contest go with three .

But if you want to enter both then go with 2 :o
Chuck Norris is in fact the most deadliest weapon on this planet, But then there's EmpreamKick