Original Post
[A]uctioning Emo Monster Head!
Im auctioning one epic head here!

Starting Bid:-1k
Minimum Raise:-500-TC
Auto Buy:-10k
Leading Bidder:-Mahulk17-0
Time Left:-15Hours

I would like to inform you the following head size is 128x128
Now...go go go!!!
Last edited by Shiko; Mar 5, 2010 at 10:40 PM.
@FireEyes:-Sorry, but no. I need TC right now to request a head, but if you can recolor it to void then we may have a deal ;)
@Ryan:-Sorry I can't do recolors
Leading bidder right now is Preater!
Last edited by Shiko; Mar 5, 2010 at 08:26 PM.
Did you make this? if you did can you make a set to go with it for 135k?

Edit oh nvm .

Last edited by Mahulk17-0; Mar 5, 2010 at 09:57 PM.