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[S] August 100,000 TC Pack
August 100,000 TC Pack – OLD GOLD, Magnetite
August 100,000 TC pack with matching sets!

  • Old Gold Force + Relax + Blood
  • Magnetite Force + Relax
  • Kevlar Force + Relax
  • Full Texture Pack
  • +20,000 TC (August only)
  • and 100,000 TC

I recently found this, and am seeing how much I can get for it. So, make your offers!
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

No, its worth more than 120k. It has 120k in it, plus a full texture PACK, plus some old gold, magnetite, and kevlar stuff. Not to mention this is a pack, which are no longer sold, and is pretty rare.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Originally Posted by Cretor View Post
No, its worth more than 120k. It has 120k in it, plus a full texture PACK, plus some old gold, magnetite, and kevlar stuff. Not to mention this is a pack, which are no longer sold, and is pretty rare.

Although packs are no longer sold you could potentially get one for $1 which decreases its rare factor slightly. You don't get the extra 20k TC because it was only for that month.
I'll offer 250k on the pack.
No deal. I can get more opening it and selling the items individually.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

That seems a bit more reasonable. Having only been a half an hour though, I'll wait and see.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Originally Posted by Cretor View Post
That seems a bit more reasonable. Having only been a half an hour though, I'll wait and see.

If you were to sell to me I'd rather have the pack sooner than later because that only increases the chances that another one will come into existence. It also increases your chance of losing money.