Original Post
[B]buying tc for 20€
Hey i get in 1 - 3 days 20€

and i would like to hear what ur offering!
You can pm me too with a nice deal or you write in thread!

Best offerer so far: PRIVATE(450k thru PM)

Last edited by Cobra; Mar 31, 2010 at 07:57 PM.
i jus wanted to tell that 1 day is left before i get the money and i get 20€ just wanted to tell this and wanted that the thread gonna be bit more active so the toribash players can see it if i did something wrong or broke the rules im sorry but i am german so ill hope u understand this
i do have 150k in another account, i have an auction bidding at 100k , so there is no problem.

ps : i'm one of the most , probably the richest guy on tb , so don't worry , if i need tc i can have it.
Last edited by gabiel; Mar 31, 2010 at 01:28 PM.
ok 350k tc and full noxious get sure: when i get the money FIRST i want the tc and the items!
no ur highest bidder so far this goes till i get the money :l

BTW i get it tomorrow :l
Last edited by Cobra; Mar 31, 2010 at 01:42 PM.
kk dont forgett u told me 350k and full noxious for the 20 € and 20€ arent $ i think its even moar!